About Celebrants

In your search for a celebrant, you’ll have found that there are many of us, and might be asking some valid questions like, ‘Who can I trust?’, ‘Who is professionally prepared to meet our needs?’, ‘Is this celebrant insured?’, ‘Where can we get married?’.

Well here are a few FAQs that can help answer these...

  • Well, not all celebrants are created equal. Not all are trained and certified with the International College of Professional Celebrants (ICPC). I am though! And although you don’t need any formal qualifications, it does help enormously and shows a strong level of commitment to the profession and to your ceremony, don’t you think?

    It means I’ve undergone residential and online celebrant training towards achieving a Level 3 Certificate in Wedding and Funeral Celebrancy in the UK, from the nationally recognised National Open Colleges Network (NOCN).

    What’s special about ICPC accreditation is that following an intensive residential course, they provide ongoing support, training, and resources to professional celebrants like me, who are seeking to continuously improve their skills and serve their clients with integrity and excellence.

    So, you can be sure that you are in safe hands. Importantly, I only take one booking per day, so you have my absolute undivided attention. And, if I was to fall ill, you need not worry. One of my trusted fellow ICPC celebrants would be able to help us out to ensure your ceremony went ahead as planned.

    I am a member of International College of Professional Celebrants and have both £5 Million Public Liability Insurance and £1 Million Professional Indemnity Insurance.

  • An independent celebrant – that’s me – is someone who will write, produce, direct and deliver a totally bespoke ceremony, exactly to your liking, and this may be performed anywhere of your choosing. It can be on licensed or unlicensed premises or on public land and this is because there is no legal paperwork being completed at the time. Hurrah!

    An independent celebrant is not linked to any religious or other institution – for example, I am not a humanist celebrant, so I am happy and able to include religious elements in your ceremony.

    And importantly, I cannot currently legally marry anybody, unlike a registrar. A marriage certificate must be obtained from the local registrar prior to your celebration ceremony. I’d be happy to discuss different aspects to be aware of around marriage ceremonies and celebrant led wedding ceremonies. In the meantime….

  • You have a statutory right to complete your legal registration of marriage at a Registrar’s Office. If you are in England or Wales, you will need to do this in what is called a 2+2 Ceremony. This is where you and your partner attend the office with two witnesses, make the basic statutory declarations and sign your marriage certificate. If the Registrar’s office attempt to persuade you to have more than the basic statutory registration, remind them of your right to have the 2+2 ceremony. Once this process is finalised, I will be able to declare you married at your wedding celebration – the fun part!